The Tovsky Tribe

Chocolates, Cocktails, Friends, Babies...A Girl Should Never Have Just ONE!!

Friday, March 2, 2007


Tonight, I returned to my childhood. Growing up (literally 1/4 mile from where I live), I was often fed noodles and egg. This was the meal on nights when we were in a hurry, or if my mom was going out, or if, frankly, she had no time to cook. I loved this meal, and therefore would also have it upon request. Many years later, when I told a former co-worker of mine that this was something I often ate, she simply asked "Were you poor?" This was not something I had ever thought about, not as a child growing up nor later as the foodie adult I became. However, I did find the question interesting and decided to ask my mom about it. Her answer, after a chuckle, was as simple as the question. No, we were not poor. My grandmother created the meal as a way to get some protein into her kids' diets when they really preferred to eat pasta (as many kids do.) Her kids loved it (My mother and Uncle) and, as a result, they both made it for their children. My siblings, my cousins, and myself all enjoyed noodles and egg. Tonight I made this meal for myself. I had not eaten it in 12 years or so, but every bite made me feel like a child again. I guess it won't be long before I am serving Chase and Ryder this meal. I will serve it simply, the good old fashioned way, and let them enjoy the basic meal. And, perhaps, the foodie in me will give it a gourmet edge. Either way, I hope Chase and Ryder can tell stories of this basic meal when they are adults and trace it all the way back to their great-grandmother, who they will never know, but always know of.

1 comment:

Reid said...

Mmm. For me that 'on the go' dinner was an omlette with that soft creamy dill cheese in it (what's that called?) My mom wasn't much of a cook but this was something she loved to make.