The Tovsky Tribe

Chocolates, Cocktails, Friends, Babies...A Girl Should Never Have Just ONE!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Citrenbaum B'Nai Mitzvah

It is amazing how much stuff you need to travel with three young kids on an overnight trip. The infant himself needs half of a car load. Yet, we piled the five of us and all of our crap into the truck and headed to Maryland for a B'Nai Mitzvah.
The car ride down was pretty good. The three hour trip began with a two hour nap from all three boys. Chase and Ryder woke up just in time to go through the Fort McHenry Tunnel, which they thought was cool. We explained that a tunnel went under water the same way a bridge goes over water. Even though we explained this to both of them simultaneously, Chase still went on to explain it, verbatim, to Ryder. The ride then continued with "Sugar Mountain"(by Neil Young) on repeat with a few interjections of "Imagine" (By John Lennon) until we pulled up to the hotel. The boys were so excited for our arrival, as they had been asking to go inside of a building ever since we drove past Baltimore's mini-skyline. They seemed to love being in a hotel, loved that Delaney was next door. They loved that we rode an elevator and had fun hanging from the crossbar on the bell hop's cart.
We had dinner soon after we arrived. The hotel had a restaurant that was too nice for our young crowd. Luckily, they had a private room- large enough for a big party, just the right size for four pre-schoolers to tire themselves out. I am not sure if the room was actually sound proof but we did not get any complaints about the train of toddlers.
Bedtime was the worst part of the trip. Of all the bedtime battles we have endured, they never seemed so bad as when the five of us were in one small room.
Despite hearing stories from mom-mom, despite leaving the bathroom light on as their night-light, despite sharing a bed and having mommy and daddy sleeping in the same room with them, which is exactly what they ask for every night, they carried on as if they were being tortured, as if they weren't having the time of their life just a few hours prior. Before the boys fell asleep at 11:30pm, Turner however went right to bed, we had to all switch beds a number of times before we settled on Ryder and I in one bed, Chase and Todd in the other. Finally we rested.
Getting five people ready for the Bar Mitzvah in the morning was challenging but manageable. Once the boys were dressed they were so excited to be in a suit that they demanded they go next door to show Delaney.
And, it was seeing my boys in their suits that made all of the hecticness worth it. They looked like little men, and just so handsome. Perhaps I still have pregnancy hormones but I found myself teary eyed when they tried the suits on and then again, as if I had not seen it before, that Saturday morning. As well-dressed as they may be at times, it is nothing like seeing them donning a suit. Though I tried to get them to pose for a picture I was quickly reminded, despite how they looked, that they are only 2.
Overall they had a good time at the Bar Mitzvah. When we walked into the synagogue Chase immediately told me he needed a kipah and I laughed, happy that their pre-school education has taught them something. They were not perfectly silent throughout the service, but then again they are 2. We spent some time in the hallway, but we got full cooperation from all three children as we went to the bimah for the dressing of the Torah. Amazingly, Turner was awake the whole service and yet we never heard a peep from him.
The weekend, which was a glimpse of our future a decade from now, overall was a success. The kids had fun. They danced, they learned to shoot pool, and most importantly they were able to spend time with close cousins who live far, as did we, and that was the highlight of that weekend. Well, that, and seeing my boys in suits.

For more photos from the weekend click here

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