The Tovsky Tribe

Chocolates, Cocktails, Friends, Babies...A Girl Should Never Have Just ONE!!

Friday, June 15, 2007


A few outings is all it took and our boys went from Beach bummers to beach bums. They have a new fascination with the sand,

Playing with it.....

and Eating it.....

They seem to enjoy the ocean breeze, though the ocean itself still scares them a bit.
I can't say I blame them. It is big and cold and the tide swallowed their feet as it approached. It's scary for a little one. I am sure it won't be too long before they are forcing me in the water, which is not where I prefer to be.

They managed to nap soundly by the beach, lounged out in their double stroller. We also fed them a sand filled lunch, but since they were eating sound by the handful, the sprinkling did not seem to effect them. Luckily, they do not even mind the sun protecting lotion application. Ryder must feel like he is wearing armour as he sticks his chest out and feels all around his body once it is applied. It is cute. We do bring a big blanket to the beach, but I guess we no longer need it as the boys opt to crawl all over, preferably on the sand until their whole body is covered. This results in the outdoor showering, which surprisingly also went really well. They like it!! Who knew.

1 comment:

Reid said...

Yippee! We can't wait!!!!