The Tovsky Tribe

Chocolates, Cocktails, Friends, Babies...A Girl Should Never Have Just ONE!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Turner says Chase

Turner has been saying Ryder, RyRy, for a little while.  Whenever we referred to his brothers, he would say "RyRy."  Chase was much more difficult for him and though sometimes he would say "seis" he never did it with much consistency.  Last week Turner started saying his brother's name, with the CH, and very clearly.  He is so proud of this accomplishment that "Chase" is his answer to many questions.
"What's your brother's name?"
Grinning and proud he says, "Chase!"
"What's your other brother's name?"
Grinning and proud he says, "Chase!"
"What's your name?"
Grinning and proud he says, "Chase!"

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