The Tovsky Tribe

Chocolates, Cocktails, Friends, Babies...A Girl Should Never Have Just ONE!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Little Love!

Ryder has always been a little lover. Since he was a tiny baby he made you want to snuggle with him. He had this way of curling into you forming a perfect nestle. He was warm, and cozy, and totally snuggable. He is very much still this way, though he may not always let on.

True, it is Chase who will ask so sweetly, "mommy will you cuddle with me and watch TV," a request that always has me drop whatever I am doing to oblige, and together we will sit entwined in a soft hug! I love those moments and cherish them while they last. Chase asks to cuddle a few times a week, and it could never, will never get old.

And, true, both boys will ask for a hug or to be held in a heart-melting sort of way, and it is no wonder I am often holding 30 pounds per hip.

But still, it is Ryder that has that natural way of cozying into you when you least expect it. He may not ask to cuddle for that is not his way. Instead, when the moment lends itself to a snuggle-up, he has this way about him that makes you want to hold him forever. At night, when I lay in bed with each of them on occasion, Ryder will lace his fingers in mine and lay nose to nose. He has a soft touch that quickly reminds me that below his fearless skin is my sensitive boy!

Two weeks ago we had my cousin Sarah's wedding. Chase and Ryder were the ring bearers and it was a wonderful event.
The photographer had taken the whole wedding party outside for group pictures. Chase and Ryder were amazingly cooperative as I stood back and watched with pride. Suddenly, Ryder ran away from the group and towards me. When I asked him what he was doing he looked at me and said "I just need to give you a kiss, mommy!". Which he did, then went back to the pose.
I was tickled like a school girl!

He does that time and again. He will be acting all cool and will stop to give his mommy a kiss, or a hug, or both!

The wedding party picture after the "kiss your mama" break!

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